The Curious Engineer#
Welcome, my name is Pedro, an aspiring Cloud Native Engineer from Los Angeles.
In this website, I share my thoughts and learnings predominantly about technical topics such
as Kubernetes, Linux, DevOps, and Cloud Native Technologies. I personally have a lot of interests,
so although most topics will be predominantly about tech, I hope to branch out to some side topics
following the idea of a “T-shaped” approach.
I am big on Neovim, Zettelkasten, and any other technical study techniques or thinking methodologies
that help me to become more efficient and improve in my output and, hopefully, contribute to humanity’s
collective wellbeing.
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Most Recent Posts#
I finally took the time to update my README on GitHub. If you don’t know, your username/username repository in GitHub is unique!
If you modify your README, you can get something like this:
Let’s get started!
Blog Workflow Let’s create a blog workflow. I use a Hugo website for my blog. You can learn how to make one yourself following my blog post.
At the end, it will automatically pull your five recent blog posts from your website.
Introduction I installed Sway at first, but after some recommendations from my community, I decided to install Cosmic.
First steps: When I removed sway, I did it without disabling autostart in my bash_profile. This caused me to not be able to log in to my user; which, is not fine since I want to build packages!
To fix this, I went to my Home folder in my Root user, entered my user’s home folder, and commented out the sway startup script, rebooted, and now I have a blank TTY screen.
I took the time to finally revamp my main website. Prior to the live one, I used one that focused on my career history and a short biography.
It lacked the features that a Blog should have, especially one that uses it’s base to index all of one’s writings.
So, here is how I did it.
I went over to and followed the steps. That’s it.
So go do that!
Today was the day (writing a day later), where I purchased my Kubestronaut Exam Certificates.
I paid exactly $822.50 for all 5 cerificates. Phew.
I am not in an amazing financial space. These are going on the credit card. Well, to be honest, my wife’s credit card.
I don’t talk much about my finances. It isn’t the most fun conversation. But my dear wife, who I do not know where I would be without, sees something in me that I also have a hard time seeing.